
Bad mate

Damon was about to dismiss Maya from his study, but then he thought of something. "I have a favor to ask."

"Shoot!", Maya responded enthusiastically. Damon promised a vacation, and she was prepared to do any chore or risk him changing his mind.

"I was hoping that tomorrow you can take care of Talia. Show her around the fair, make sure she has a good time."

Maya paused. Her first impulse was to verify if Damon and Talia spent the night together, how Caden told her that morning, but instead, she asked, "Didn't you take her out for the morning?"

Damon didn't deny it. "What does that have to do with tomorrow?"

Everything! "Nothing. But I hope you can clarify one thing. Why are you asking me to show Talia around? Out of everyone in this pack, you are the one spending the most time with her." And you are her mate, bozo!
