

On the floating island above the Athos tree, Patrick stood on the balcony of his castle with a tea mug in hand as he stared into the afternoon sun; he wore a white bathrobe and slipper. His hair was wet as strands lay on his shoulder. 

"I have been far from home; mother must be sick of my absence by now. Grace, what's the time-space difference between my home universe and this cultivation universe?"

"One year or a cycle in this universe is a month in yours, Master. Should I perhaps make an interdimensional call to her Lady?"

"No. Because the moment she realizes there is such a thing, that will be the day I lose my free time, as she would like to know every second of my day, as she was back then."

Patrick spoke as a smile crossed his face while thinking about his mother. He steadily sipped from the mug again as he continued.
