
Chapter 25 - Water Barrier

"What the hell?" Jong In shouts as he too starts standing up from his sitting position.

All Mi Young could think about is the need to leap on the battle arena and shove Chang Bin out of the way. But her feet were stuck and she couldn't move a single muscle as she watched the fiery ball in Lee Dong Soo's hands getting bigger as each second passed by.

Mi Young can still hear Lady Yu Na's desperate pleas and her schoolmate's shouts, but Chang Bin wasn't moving at all. Looking at the boy's face, you can see the desperation and fear he was experiencing.

"Sh*t." Shi Yun whispers.

Suddenly, Mi Young felt like she was being lifted into the air, and everything around her warped.

The next second, she was standing inside the battle arena, and she was a few meters away from the stuck Chang Bin.

Dong Soo, who was too focused on his attack and his opponent, didn't notice Mi Young's presence at all.

Looking at the boy's figure and position, he would surely let go of that blazing fire any second now.

So out of desperation and the need to save someone, Mi Young ran as fast as she could towards the stuck Chang Bin. She didn't even think about what she would do in order to get the boy out, all she could think about was to save Chang Bin from getting killed.

When she reached Chang Bin, Mi Young tried to pull out the boy's legs from the sand that was holding him but it was way too hard.

"Get out of here, Mi Young!" Chang Bin announces. His voice was angry but you can also hear the desperation and fear that comes with it. "Move, Mi Young! Leave me!"

"No! I know you still want to be with her! Stop getting scared!" Mi Young retorts back as she tries to pull his leg once more.

"There's no use. He's using something to keep me here. We're going to die if you continue saving me!"

"Never!" The girl says one more time. Mi Young starts panicking when she glances at Lee Dong Soo who has his eyes turning red, like he was being possessed. "F*ck!"

"Mi Young, leave already!" Chang Bin shouts once more, trying so hard to make Mi Young get as far away as possible.

"Goodbye Chang Bin." Lee Dong Soo announces as he fires the huge ball of fire towards where Chang Bin was standing.

Both of them can hear the loud shouts of the students around them. But all Mi Young can focus on were the words that came out from Ji Chang Bin's mouth.

"Tell Yu Na I'm sorry." The boy says. The hope in his eyes was slowly dying out, as well as the usually energetic tone he was known to have.

Mi Young hated to see that look on the boy's face, and out of desperation to save the boy, she called out all of her mana without even using any battle technique. She knows it can be dangerous for her but all she could think about is saving her classmate.

She closes her eyes and shouts the same time the mana she gathered bursts out from her body.

Mi Young felt something huge hit her surroundings. She can feel the heat coming from the ball of fire Lee Dong Soo produced. She waited for the fire to engulf and burn her skin but it never came.

When Mi Young opened her eyes, she met Chang Bin's brown orbs who were looking at her like she had grown seven heads.

"What? Where's the fire?" Mi Young asks. She still has her arms around Chang Bin who was still looking at her in shock. "Say something."

"Y-You…" That's what all Chang Bin can utter upon experiencing something as shocking as this. He turned his head from Mi Young and looked at something in front of them.

Mi Young followed Chang Bin's gaze and was shocked to see a ball of water forming a circle all around them. "Woah. Where did this come from?"

Chang Bin looked at her once more and with a confused voice he asked, "Are you telling me you are not aware that you're a dual user?"

Upon hearing what Chang Bin said, Mi Young realized that the mana that keeps the water around them is emitting from her very own body. She can feel the flow and the link between her mind and the mana energy around them.

"Holy sh*t." Mi Young whispers as she scans the huge ball of water surrounding them. "Did this stop Dong Soo's fire?"

"I think so." Chang Bin whispers. He looks at Mi Young, and with a grateful voice he says, "Thank you so much for rescuing me. I thought I was going to die. Thank you."

"I don't want to see someone die in front of my eyes." Mi Young answers as she slowly detaches her hands from Chang Bin. She realized the boy was no longer stuck on the sand.

"Where's Dong Soo?"

Both Mi Young and Chang Bin turn their heads towards where Lee Dong Soo was standing earlier. But instead of seeing the man's angry face, they saw him lying lifelessly on the sand a few meters away from them.

Chang Bin and Mi Young can also see Lady Yu Na and some other students running towards them, so Mi Young slowly calls for her mana energy to stop.

The ball of water that protected them instantly vanishes the moment Mi Young stops the link. Immediately, she can feel her energy depleting.

Mi Young was about to fall on the sand as well but strangely a pair of strong and firm arms wrapped around her which stopped her from falling. She looks up to see the piercing eyes of no other than Jeon Shi Yun. Mi Young tries to move away from his firm grip but all she manages to do is land her palm on his firm chest.

"Stop moving. You don't have enough mana and energy to walk on your own." Shi Yun whispers. Mi Young wants to protest but she can already feel the exhaustion and the lack of mana in her body so she stays there, limp, as Jeon Shi Yun's strong arms wrapped around her.

"Mi Young, are you okay?" Mi Young can hear the worried voice of Jong In beside her. She moved her head to look at her friend and she offered him a small smile. "I thought you were going to die. Don't ever do that again!"

Sorry…she wanted to say but her voice failed her.

"She can't talk right now. She lost all her mana creating that water shield." Shi Yun says. Mi Young saw Jong In nodding to Shi Yun and telling Mi Young to rest first.

"Dong Soo…" Mi Young hears Chang Bin whisper a few feet from where she and Shi Yun were standing.

All of their eyes shifted towards Lee Dong Soo who was just getting up from lying on the sand. He had a confused expression on his face and he held his head as if he was in pain. With a confused voice he asks, "What happened?"

"You!" A woman's voice says. Lady Yu Na steps away from Ji Chang Bin for a second before she points an accusing finger at the confused Lee Dong Soo, "I will tell my father that you tried to kill someone inside the school's premises!"

"Kill? Me?" Dong Soo asked while also pointing a finger to himself.

"How dare you act innocent! Everyone saw how you made that huge ball of fire and fired it at Chang Bin! You weren't being fair and you dare to act innocent?!" Yu Na shouts, the hate and disgust in her eyes and voice is very evident.

"I w-would never do that! L-Lady Yu Na please listen to me!" Lee Dong Soo tries to say but it was clear that the Lady would never listen to any of his words, especially after the events that had happened just a while ago. "Please! Even though I hate Ji Chang Bin, I will never go as far as kill him! I am from the Lee family and we are honorable men that strictly follows the rules of each battle!"

"Follow the rules? You have clearly cheated in the first place." Jong In, who was also mad at Dong Soo for getting Mi Young in danger, couldn't stop himself anymore. He steps forward and points at Dong Soo's hands, "You were using a magical item to cheat and help you produce unlimited fire! That's against the battle rules inside the academy! Not to mention that you haven't reached Advance Rank 1. Which means, you did not only cheat but you also broke one of the laws in our school!"

Hearing what Jong In said, everyone shifted their gaze towards the golden ring in Lee Dong Soo's pinky finger. The man looked embarrassed as he started explaining his reason.

"Someone told me to use it on my next duel with Chang Bin! He said that it will help me end this endless match and will help me take Lady Yu Na's hands! I didn't know it was a magical item!"

"Stop explaining! You have been caught and you deserve to be punished!" Jong In announces.

All the students in front of them started agreeing with the tan skinned boy.

"You will never receive my acceptance no matter what! I would rather die than marry you." Lady Yu Na spats as she looks at Dong Soo with pure hatred.

This caused fresh tears to come out from Lee Dong Soo's eyes. Clearly, the Lady's words hurt him the most. He kneeled as he called out for the Lady, "Please, believe me! I don't care if I would be punished for what I have done but I never wanted to kill Chang Bin!"

"Nonsense! Everyone saw it happened! You will never fool anyone, Dong Soo." Lady Yu Na retorts.

Lee Dong Soo was about to defend himself again but a booming voice that echoed all throughout the sky stopped him.

"What the hell happened here?!"
