
The Isolated Island (37)

The first ones to feel the changes were naturally the original inhabitants of the island. Granny Li's stood by the ancestral building; her wizened old face suddenly widened in horror and shock.

 Body shaking violently.

 Not only her, but the villagers also trembled.

As if being pulled by an invisible string, they were dragged from wherever they were and pulled in the direction of the sea.

The freezingly cold seawater washed their bodies, but they only lowered their heads in a tamed posture, almost burying their faces into the icy depths.

 They didn't seem to understand that the current would suffocate them, and they were so frightened that they just wanted to bury their heads in the grounds in a watery grave, shivering constantly

 With this kind of strangeness, even the players who managed to escape the fate of being locked up noticed.

 What happened?
