

"The war with Fan Yi Kingdom is not going to start anytime soon," Nan Hua said while paying attention to Yu Jin's expression. "Fei Yang Kingdom have to recuperate a bit and the soldiers have to rest before we launch the next fierce war. During this period of time, how about if you return to Xia Mountain for a bit?"

Yu Jin, who was a bit dejected when she heard that the war would not start anytime soon, soon regained her energy when Xia Mountain was mentioned.

Right, she had to bring Shan Yu to meet with the elders.

And after that, they could redo the marriage that was done a bit too hasty back then because she was in a hurry.

With that in thought, Yu Jin turned to look at Shan Yu with her eyes sparkling.

Shan Yu saw this scene and smiled helplessly but he nodded in agreement. In any case, it was also pretty good for him. 

He had long wanted to meet with Yu Jin's elders.

"It's been a while." Yu Jin nodded in agreement. 
