
Chapter 7

The door opened and Gentle walked in. Clad in his ancient Nord armor, he seemed like a giant. He sat at the table and smiled at me.

"How many men do you think we'll fight?" He asked.

"Jaren says five, but there could be some hidden away. And there could be more visiting this time. So we can't be sure" I answered.

Nodding his head while leaning back he got comfortable.

"Where's Gunnar?" I asked.

"Oh, he is getting some sleep. He wants to be fresh for the battle. You know how he gets."

"And Aela?" I asked.

""I've no idea where the she-wolf has gone. No doubt out there staring at the stars and moon, hahahaha."

He paused for a moment before speaking again.

"These people, why must we protect them?"

I looked over to him, his eyes were firm. I knew he wasn't afraid to fight. Yet I couldn't help feel surprised by his question. I suppose it makes sense he would want to understand my reasoning, the man is no fool and a seasoned warrior.

"They are our first step into this world. Our actions here set the tone for our future here. We could have left them to their fates, but I wanted to do more." I answered.

"You did not ask if I or any of the others were in agreement" he stated and the words brought more surprise. His eyes were hard, pinning me to my seat, challenging me in their feral likeness. Like a Beta testing his alpha, searching for weakness.

"You have followed me into far worse, what makes this any different? Speak plainly, or are you going to continue testing my patience?" I replied in a firm tone, appearing unfazed by his stare.

The room was silent, our eyes never broke contact. The air seemed to crackle, my hairs stood on end. I looked into the almost feral eyes of Gentle and my heart raced, as if preparing my body for a fight.

"Everything you've said just now makes no sense. They are our first step into this world? How, and why should that matter? We should have just moved on. Better yet, we should have gone out and killed those bandits like the good old days."

He leaned forward in his seat, his bulky frame seemingly taking up the entire room. And with a predatory smile he continued.

"Something has changed in you. I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but you seem… different, not you."

His words shocked me to my very core. But it makes sense, while I have slowly begun to integrate the perso of my character, my tics and habits from my real life have slipped in. Which would no doubt alter my character, in a way that may not align with what they are familiar with.

"I remember when you would have just taken what you wanted, without a care for the consequences. I've seen you kill a man simply wanting to deliver a message to you. And here you are, offering our services to a bunch of weaklings."

I dared not break eye contact with him. Any sign, any action of weakness, he will notice and he will pounce on that opening. I lean forward, meeting his stare, his posture, his predatory smile, accepting his implicit challenge.

"Then you should know that I won't hesitate to quash any and all disrespect."

He was silently searching my eyes. No doubt looking for anything out of place, any weakness. The longer he looked the more my hackles rose. He would not back down, I must put him in his place. I must show him my authority. I must dominate.

Suddenly the door burst open and Ivar walked in. His sudden arrival completely shattered the mood. As if looming thunder clouds suddenly dispersed. Mug in Hand and hair looking disheveled he walked in with a smile on his face and spoke with a slur on his tongue.

"You know what's better than one village girl? Two of them, that's right I said two!"

He spoke completely oblivious to the fight for dominance and battle of wills that was taking place before his entry.

"I'll tell you this however, when a village girl says she loves you, as if you didn't just meet and are clearly using you to get out of a tough spot, you just nod while you continue to hump her into the dirt."

He walked over to Gentle's side and leaned on him while placing an arm over his shoulder.

"Don't you agree, Gentle? I mean, who do these cunts think they're fooling? Am I right?!"

The moment having passed, Gentle leaned back and smiled up at Ivar.

"Aye, you have a point there. That's why I prefer my axe, and when I grace it's smile with soft tender flesh! Hahahaha!"

Ivar looked down at Gentle with confusion and mock disgust.

"Is that all you think about? Fighting and your axe? To each his own I guess. I just hope you don't get any splinters with how much love you show to that axe of yours."

Gentle burst out laughing and even I couldn't help but chuckle. Feeling the moment passed, replaced with a more jovial atmosphere I leaned back in my seat.

"You should focus more on your prowess, Ivar. You can't rely only on your talents as a wiseman" Gentle chastised.

Stepping back and taking a small bow, Ivar responded with mischief laced in his tone.

"I assure you, Gentle, my prowess is without blemish or decay. Just ask those two village girls."

We all burst out laughing at that. Gentle rose to his feet with a grunt.

"I'll be going now, we have a big day tomorrow."

He nodded to the both of us as he turned to leave. Though his eyes seemed to linger on me for half a second longer. Once he left and the door was closed, Ivar moved over and took his seat. His previously jovial facade vanished so quickly you'd be mistaken in believing that an entirely different person now sat in the chair.

"I heard everything, and while I am curious as to your decisions, I can't say I have any real desire to press the matter."

I leaned back while looking at my cousin. Suddenly weary of the recent and intense moment.

"I will deal with Gentle. You should go, rest, we have a big day coming and you are my secret weapon."

He just smiled and rose to his feet.

"And I hope you won't have to use me, cousin. As you know I abhor violence" he said as he walked out the room leaving me to my thoughts. Dealing with Gentle can come later, right now I just want to sleep. Rising from my seat I went to my usual spot and closed my eyes. Being the leader is tiring business.

What do you think of the sudden serous tone of Gentle? Do you like his character? And what about the others? I want to flesh them out, give them their own wants, desires and motivations separated from the Mc. Or do you think it’s too much and unnecessary.

I was fascinated by the idea that the transmigrator would have, on some level, a dissonance with the avatar they now embody. Be that with assimilation of skills and abilities, to changes in behavior, or even something as simple as speech.

Bigbabycreators' thoughts