
Another night

After Lin Wei and her mother left the room, Si Junyan and Yan Shu came out from the cupboard.

Yan Shu pretended to clear the dust from her clothes and Si Junyan scratched avoided her gaze.

"Let's leave." Si Junyan pointed towards the window.

Yan Shu looked at the window and did not speak.

Si Junyan thought she might be scared of leaving from the window given the height.

"I am going down first and then catch you up." Si Junyan tried to comfort her.

Yan Shu was not actually looking at the window but at the bedside table located under the window. The picture was not there. Everything was in place just as it was before she came in except for the picture. Lin Wei must be anxious to clear everything that links to her past.

"I am fineby myself." Yan Shu waved her hand dismissively at him and then jumped down.
