
Prince of The Night Sky (3)

"No wonder we don't have enough. It's because our bathtub is too fucking big. It's spreading the water thin! WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS!?" Bella shouted but nobody responded, causing her to click her tongue. "Fine, I'm going first." 

"I'm gonna have no water then." 

"Then let's just bathe together," Bella snarled as Orion disappeared beyond the tree line separating the bathtub and our camp for the week. "Or what, you're too good to bathe with somebody as noble as me?" 

Her smirk was annoying, but I was still as unamused as usual. I had no qualms with this, especially if I could avoid bathing in that crystal clear stream of piss. Once I drank it out of desperation as we had run out of fresh water and well… let's just say I didn't have the best time on the toilet for the next few days. 
