
The Capital Layout

Soon, the powder which had been sprinkled on the drained husk of a young woman burned her body until there was only ash, allowing the two men to sweep her up like a pile of dust. 

And then, the final cherry on top was a single spray of a strange golden liquid that had the stench of bleach but multiplied by a thousand. 

My eyes almost began to water as I took a few steps back.

"What's up with him?" The young man asked as he backed away from his sweating mother. 

"I don't know… let's get going! We don't have much time now!" 

I quickly followed her for not much longer, eventually reaching some kind of dark wood office that had a clean smell of fresh wood. 

It wasn't dusty, but it still had that earthy, almost rich smell which I would take over whatever the hell that was back there, any day of the week, month, year, my life. 
