
Chapter 33: The Old You

Sin-Vira's POV

"My father!?" Sibylla shouted. Her eyes were wide with shock, she looked terrified.

"It wasn't that bad. Please don't worry about it." He waved his hand dismissively. It was a terrible lie, but he couldn't sit by and watch her upset.

Sibylla got up from her seat and placed her hands on his cheeks. "Did you touch you? Were you hurt? How do you feel?" she asked while checking his face.

It would've been a cute act, but being hit in the face with a silly hat ruined it.

"Besides getting my head slammed onto a table and passing out from it, I'm fine," he assured her. "Now please sit down, it's not safe standing up in a moving carriage."

"Your head!? Gods, why did he even do such a thing?" She tilted his head and checked on every angle of it. He went along with it in the hopes it would calm her down.

Sin-Vira sighed. "You're making a bigger deal out of then you need to. I'm clearly fine. Now sit your ass down."

Sibylla glared at him. "Stop acting like it's nothing! He could've killed you just because he felt like it!" She shouted at him. There was such aggression in her face and tone, Sin-Vira expected her to hit him as his mother did. But all he felt was a tight embrace. "I'm glad you're not dead…"

He was left speechless from her sudden action and sat still. Unable to reciprocate the action, he simply sat her back. "Same…" he mumbled as Sibylla released him.

There was a sudden bump in the road that caused the carriage to shake. Unsurprisingly, she stumbled back and threw her arms trying to catch herself, knocking her obnoxious hat off with ease.

Sin-Vira stared at her with a gasp escaping his lips.

Sibylla's beautifully long hair was hacked, barely reaching her shoulders. Her ends were jagged, and parts of her hair were sticking up wildly. It looked like they were cut with a dull blade.

"Your hair…?" He asked while helping her sit beside him.

Sibylla placed her hat on her lap. She was red in the face and looked close to crying. "Awe shucks! You ruined the surprise. I cut it myself to impress you. But you're gonna make fun of it, huh?" She sheepishly chuckled.

Vira felt his claws dig into his legs as a sense of anger burned in his chest. "Who did this to you?" he asked.

Sibylla looked surprised before smiling. "Uh me? Who else?"

"…" Sin-Vira sat with a stern expression, waiting for the truth to finally leave her mouth.

"D-don't look at me like that. It'll… grow back…" Sibylla promised as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "I'm… sorry… please don't hate me for this…" she pleaded in a small voice. Shrinking in her seat.

Sin-Vira gently pats her head with a comforting smile. "I'm pissed at whoever did this. You're a reckless idiot, but I know you wouldn't do this to yourself willingly." Her hair was unbelievably silky and light. He was careful not to touch her scalp since his claws could easily harm her. "I'll ask Ivy to trim it for you. I cut foes down but hair isn't something I'm good with."

Sibylla looked up at him with glistening red eyes. "I would like that…" she smiled a bit.

"Speaking of cutting down foes, do you like dueling?" Vira asked with a smile. Hoping to direct the conversation to a lighter subject.

"On occasion, I do like swinging a sword or two. Why? Don't tell me that's your idea of a romantic outing!" She laughed.

"Far from romantic, but more thrilling than sipping tea. I'll go easy on you out of politeness." He removed his hand from her head. Only for Sibylla to lean against his shoulder.

"Don't bother. Even at your best, I'll make you eat dirt!" she cheered. "Beka's nothing compared to what I can do!"

"Ah speaking of him, did you ever see him again?" Sin-Vira asked.

"Oh now that you mention it, no. Ever since that duel, I've never seen his smug face here or even at the festival. I'm surprised he's given up with how desperate he's been. Maybe he needed to be humiliated into giving up?" Sibylla shrugged.

"I can't believe even though with high standards can be desperate." Sin-Vira felt himself cringe when he thought about Beka. He was a vile trash talker who wasted his breath saying uncomfortable things about Sibylla. "It must be annoying having to deal with it."

"It's a bit of a pain when they're persistent. With your looks I'm surprised you aren't swarmed by royals during the event," Sibylla giggled at her remark.

Though it was easy for her to say, Sin-Vira felt flushed with the idea. "I've been told I looked too intimidating to approach. Features like mine aren't quite common." He pointed to himself.

"Your teeth, eyes, claws, and ears are all pointy, but that just makes you look cool! I have seen unique features, but yours remind me of a dragon! They missed their chance getting to see you up close!"

Sin-Vira felt his mouth curl into a smile as his face grew warmer. Compliments weren't always given to him, which only made her words more meaningful to him.

"You're too kind! I'm always surprised when you say nice things. It's so unlike the old you."

While he did have fond memories of them as kids, he was aware of the rude things she would say to others to the point they would cry. The only compliments she gave were to herself.

Sibylla sighed. "The old me seriously sucked, huh? Sorry about that. I've done what I can to improve so I'm glad you can see it."

"I'm hoping my mother sees it as well. You'll be seeing her likely alone, is that okay?" he asked.

"Hm… Depends on how terrible she is!"

"She's kinds towards those she likes. Otherwise, she's quite intimidating. I'm sure you'll be fine. Ivy said she might interrogate you, but it's only natural. She's probably suspicious of anyone related to your father."

Sibylla groaned and looked at her seat where her flowers were. "I know I can't sweet-talk her with saying how I'm madly in love with you."

"What if she asks what you like about me?" Sin-Vira smirked.

"Easy!" She looked up at him. "I'll be honest with her! I'll remain oblivious to our plan and be genuine the best I can!"

He wanted to know what she would say, but he couldn't bring himself to ask. It would either embarrass him or hurt to hear what she'd say. At times he forgot about the deal, but he knew he couldn't let himself get carried away. Sibylla simply played the part and he followed along without questioning too much. If it weren't for Sibylla's offer, he'd have an innocent girl's blood on his hands and a war outbreak.

Serving his kingdom came before his feelings, though he wouldn't take the bloodied path like his mother if he didn't have to.

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