

Ning sat at the front, directing the two horses as they moved away from the city. Instead of moving west toward the empire, they began making their way south, toward the kingdom of Lenes.

The soft breeze blew from the east during the evening as the sun began setting to their right at the west.

Shara lay on the cart in the back, with soft linen covering it with an arc. It was no carriage, but this would do just fine to keep off rain and cold during the night.

"We should find a place to stop for the night," Ning said. "I don't know the extent of how much these horses can be pushed, and they need to sleep too."

"You've steered horse-drawn carts before?" Shara asked.

"Yeah, my mother was a trader when she was young, so she and I would go to the fair every few weeks to sell garlic we grew in our home," Ning said. "She taught me how to take care of the horses during that time."
