
Unbound Spirits

By dinner time, Ning was already feeling much better. Not only had his strength improved, helping him feel stronger, but his healing had gotten rid of most of the aching parts of his body as well.

Right now, he was feeling as well as he had in a long time.

"I have talked with the young man, and he says he doesn't want to. But I want to ask you as well, young lady," the old woman said. "Do you wish to stay here with me?"

Shara stopped in the middle of her chewing her food, staring blankly at the old woman as she took some time to comprehend what she had said. She wanted her to stay with her, in the village.

Shara couldn't answer immediately and had to turn toward Ning for some help.

Ning simply crossed his arms and looked at her. "This is your decision to make," he said. "I cannot help you here."
