
The Old Man's Penance

[Quest: Relay the dead's words

Rava has always blamed himself for his inability to save his wife's life when it really mattered. So, he has thrown himself into his work, making more medicines every day as a penance for letting his wife die. His wife does not like seeing this and would like you to tell him the truth.

Reward: 2 Points


Ning read through the description of the question and slowly nodded to himself.

"I will do what I can miss," he told the woman through his Spectral Communication ability and turned back to look at the old man who had been staring at him expectantly.

"I believe I might need to speak to you in private if you don't mind," Ning told the old man.

The old man nodded and walked out of the room. The young guard followed, showing them to another room where they could talk on their own.
