
The Old Man

"Why did you do it?" the Captain asked. They were waiting for the female guard to get whatever the truth revealing medicine was, so no one had spoken for a while until the Captain decided to.

"I didn't," the woman said with a tiny voice.

"Then what did you feed my daughter?" the man demanded. "What did you put into her water? What was it?"

"Nothing. I put not—"

"He told me what he saw," the man said, pointing to Ning. "He saw you putting something into my daughter's drink."

"He's lying," the woman said.

"Why would he lie? He has no reason to lie to me. We only just met today!"

"I don't know," the woman answered. "I really… I don't…"

"Please stop this. We'll find the truth soon enough once the medicine comes here," the guard said.

"I won't take that medicine," the woman said. "You people are in on this together. You're trying to poison me."

She stood up. "I'll not have this. I'm leaving."
