
New Shop Items


Minor Healing Potion: 1 Point

Minor Physical Enhancement Potion: 1 Point

Random Minor Weapon: 2 Points

10~20 Silver Coins: 2 Points

Minor UNIQUE Energy replenishment Potion: 3 points

Minor Anti-toxin Potion: 4 Points

Lesser Healing Potion: 5 Points

Lesser Physical Enhancement Potion: 5 points

Tiny Dimensional Storage: 5 Points (1 of 1)


Ning looked at the shop before his eyes, both disappointed and surprised at the same time. It was a weird mix of emotions as he had wanted more than what he had gotten. But what he had gotten wasn't so bad that the outcome hadn't been a net positive overall.

The only 4-point option was a helpful potion that could cure any sort of poison or venom that one could come across during their travel. Even though it said Minor, it was capable of curing anything non-lethal or too powerful.
