
The Truth

Nirun cried from the pain he felt in his body and the fear he felt in his heart. He was in too shocked to even properly think of anything else but just nod.

"Great!" Ning dropped the man onto the bed. "Then tell me, how did you fix your issue?"

Nirun took two short breaths before asking, "What issue?" 

"Sparkless. I was told you were Sparkless just 2 years ago, and now you are completely healed, moving around rocks as though it is nothing. I need to know how you did it."

Ning hoped he would get an answer from this man and not some 'a mysterious figure did it.' He wanted to heal Katie and then go from there to heal other people too. 

Too many people killed themselves after becoming Sparkless and Ning wanted to fix that, if that was the only other thing he did in the 6 years he would be staying here.

"I didn't…" the man trembled as he answered. "I didn't get healed."
