

Ning thought for the entire night, wondering what he should be doing. It would be public knowledge when he put the conspiracy to light and made the entire military go through a tumultuous time.

And Parima would know that it was he who put her father in prison. 

Parima was a good friend. He had met her a couple of times since their first training and while they hadn't found a time to meet the last few weeks, he still didn't want to hurt her.

'But a crime is a crime,' Ning thought. He sighed. He couldn't let a criminal go free just because of friendship. Sometimes, he had to do the right thing.

The night passed and Ning went to meet Harper the very next day.

Harper wasn't in her room at the time, and Ning couldn't get a hold of her. So, he went to meet Lieutenant Franc instead. And it turned out that he was in a meeting with Redaime somewhere else.

Ning found where that was and went there.
