

Ning more than successfully completed his work, converting more than 80 blocks of rocks into air to release nearly 500 books. He also helped rearrange the books when necessary, but since they had been sorted properly from the start, not much work was needed at the end.

Once he completed his work, he left.

Ning went back to Lieutenant Harper reported having completed his work and asked if there was more for him to do.

"There is nothing for you to do, Chief Officer. You can—" the Lieutenant paused. She seemed to be in some deep thought and didn't speak for a while.

Then, she looked up. "Chief Officer Ning, what happened to your clothes from your days as a Cadet?" she asked.

"My cadet uniform? It is still in my home, lieutenant," Ning said. "I haven't thrown it away or given it to someone else."

"Good. Then I might have a small task for you today," she said and brought out something. She handed the clipboard over to Ning.
