
Setting up the City

Just because they had landed on Urelon, things weren't over just yet. People needed to be moved from the ship to the city. However, the cities weren't ready for the people just yet.

Due to how long they had left the city, the air inside had long since found its way out of the hole in the ground, and thus air had to be reintroduced into the giant city again.

After some resting period, Teleporters took Breathers down into the city in spacesuits, where they began using their powers to fill the place with air.

One by one, the Breathers created as much as they possibly could, while being connected with a Connector and a Thinker who kept an eye on how much they needed.

The other cities were most likely ready by this point, with the Breathers already having filled those 2 cities with breathable air.
