

By the time the 70th glass sphere was completely turned into stone, Berraine was simply in disbelief. She could not believe what she was seeing.

She had been a Converter for quite a few years and had helped test quite a few newbies as well. Among them all, the highest anyone had ever reached with the spheres was 43, which was considered incredible.

She herself had only reached 39 spheres, so that person had been way better than her.

And yet, here in front of her, there sat a young man, a very inexperienced Converter who had managed to turn a total of 70 spheres, a record-breaking number never before seen in history.

Today's events would certainly be propped up prominently in the Converter chapters of history. And Berraine had been here to witness it.

"I'm done," Ning said, letting out a large breath and a rather tired expression. "I'm done, Ma'am."

"Yes, you did good," the woman said. "You did great."
