

Ning did something that he hadn't known was even possible before. He combined the eggs of the 7 different wives of Damian, to create a much more powerful egg.

He then placed the egg inside of Damian's oldest wife. Now, so long as Damian did his side of the job properly, he would have a son that biologically belonged to all 7 of his wives.

"Your son should be born not with your own bloodline, but also the bloodline of your wives. So anything they have, he will inherit it," Ning said. "Anything more cannot be said just yet as it is for the future to decide."

"Thank you, sir Ning," Damian said. "I will never forget this aid you've given me. I shall forever be in your debt."

"That's unnecessary," Ning said. "Just take care of your child. While I know you wanted more children, your bloodline makes it so that you only have one."

"That's alright," Damian said. "Can you tell if my son will struggle with the same problem?"
