

Redfist could no longer draw any health from his attacks, so he started worrying. 

Tim started taking on more and more pain that wouldn't just go away, but at least he wasn't losing any healing to Redfist, so Redfist was in a similar situation as well.

He tapped into the strength stored in his box and began drawing in a lot of it. There was only half a night's worth of strength in there, and it was running out quickly.

So, all he could do now was beat the man quickly and be done with this fight.

Tim punched Redfist and took a punch back in his face. He caught himself from falling and rushed in with another punch.

Redfist grabbed his arm and pulled him closer, intending to throw him over his shoulder and slam him into the ground. Just as he did that, Tim tapped into his weight, drawing a lot of it at once.
