
Two Seconds

Jasmine pushed the two away and turned toward Tim. She used her Ring of Illusions to place invisibility on him, but for some reason, the illusion would land on him. It just didn't work.

Jasmine wondered if it had something to do with Silvereye and his weird eyepatch. That was the only answer.

Several of the people in the bar weren't sure what was happening, but they had brought out their guns at this point, aiming to shoot if need be.

Jasmine quickly ran up to Tim to try and see if she could do something by touching him. When she touched him, she saw herself go from invisible to becoming visible.

"Well, well, well," Silvereye spoke as he stood up. "What do we have here."

Jasmine's face paled now that she was visible to everyone. "Hello, young lass. Who might you be?"

Jasmine slowly moved back while Tim stood in front of her.

"Are you the one with the ring?" Silvereye asked.
