
New City

The submarine floated up to the surface of the ocean and everyone quickly walked up the hatch to arrive outside.

Jasmine quickly opened the door in the small 2-meter box of a room and walked out into the tiny 5-meter-long surface that they first had mistakenly thought to be the entire ship.

In front of them stood a large fishing dock, with a small town and a forest on the side of it. It didn't seem as though it was a very populated city at all. If it was, they were hiding it quite well on the dock.

Few ships were docked there at all, with the ones that were docked being quite tiny and not some sort of cargo ship. They could work as one, but cargo ships had long since changed to large ships that could hold a long of people and cargo.

"Where are we?" Tony asked. "I've visited quite a few places in my life, but this does not feel like a place I have ever come to before."
