
Where the Monsters come from

Tony gasped in surprise and quickly wrote down what Ning mentioned. "Monsters come from treasures with intelligence," he spoke softly as he finished writing.

Once done, he looked up toward Ning, waiting for more knowledge.

Ning looked at everyone clearly intent on learning more and continued. "The monsters that you see or hear about are defensive measures taken by the treasures to protect themselves."

"The 'monsters' are formed using the same mist that they absorb, which is why you always find them around them."

"The treasures don't make them to protect themselves from being stolen, they also use them to take them to better places where they can't be found."

"That is one of the reasons why treasures are only found in the ocean and remote islands most of the time. It is because the treasures move to distant locations where they can't be found."

"And that is why you have to defeat these monsters before you can take the treasures away."
