

Leaving Rova to make some more tries with her newly learned skills, Ning went out front to open the shop. When he arrived outside, he saw people gathering through the window. 

"That's early," he thought. Nobody came to the shop this early. It was not even 7 in the morning. The only reason he even opened it was because he had nothing else to do.

The shop's door opened and Ning walked outside to see why there were so many. When he saw the person out front, a small smile appeared on his face. Before he had even opened the shop, Bass had arrived outside with nearly 2 dozen people behind him.

"Sir Bass! I didn't think I would see you again so soon," Ning spoke out loud enough for anyone and everyone who passed by to hear. "How can I help you?"

"You!" Bass pointed at Ning with anger in his voice. "You stole from us."
