

On the morning of Emma and Lyra's departure to the institute, 6 humans and 3 beasts gathered outside Heeran's Love.

Ning, Hadden, Laila, and Rova were there to see Emma away. Juna, who was on her way to her job, had agreed to take the young girl to the institute.

Ning had wanted to do so himself, but Emma had protested. This was her journey, so she wanted to take the first step by herself.

Lyra had been okay with leaving all until the point they had to. She was still ready to go, but she cried next to her mother after it only set on her how long she would be away.

"Listen to sister Emma and all will be well," Umbra told her daughter. "If you miss me, just let her know and I will come."

Lory stood by the site, not particularly emotional about his twin sister leaving for long. He was more excited about what he was promised after she would be gone.

Battles in the Arena

"I'll see you guys later."
