
Ning's Fight

Ning's fight was only starting. He used neither Lightning nor Space essence as no opportunity showed itself, but he did use his Wind Essence Movement technique to move around the stage to dodge the young man's attacks.

If nothing, he wanted him to stop using the same monotonous attacks. He hated that this young man was treating this like a video game, where he could win by spamming the same attack over and over.

Ning wondered what he could do though. Lightning Essence took some time to gather and Space was obvious. Void Essence could be used, but it would leave him without much if he used it.

He wondered if he should use the other technique, but… he wanted to keep it for a later fight. For now, he shouldn't have to use it.

He stepped to the side and cut the upcoming pillar in two. He became so frustrated by the same attack over and over that he thought he was going to lose it.
