

Hi-Ah and Jung-Hee arrived by the gate and were a little surprised. Hi-Ah took her phone and was about to call Ning, but before she did, the gate opened and a voice spoke through a speaker.

"Come in!"

Hearing Ning's voice, they drove in. 

The two siblings were immediately surprised to see the massive trees on either side of the freshly paved road that led to the mansion at the end of the pathway.

Hi-Ah parked the card towards the left and the two of them walked out with awe on their face.

Ning hadn't explained properly where they had to go, so she wasn't expecting much. However, even if she would have expected something, this would not have been it.

The door opened and Ning walked out. "You're finally here. So late," he said.

"Sorry, the dungeon run took a bit longer than we planned," Jung-Hee said with an absent look on his face. "Brother… is this a hotel or something? Or maybe a place you rented?"
