
Anti-Perception Veil

Ning chuckled when he heard Chase being worried. Ely couldn't help but chuckle as well. "He does have a spaceship. Do you want to use that?" she asked. 

Chase gave a dry laugh, unsure if they were joking or not.

"Don't worry, that's not what I was suggesting," Ning said. "My transportation medium is faster than anything you can find in any part of the world."

"And it is not a spaceship?" Chase asked again.

"No," Ning said as he stood up. Ely did so as well and walked up next to Chase. Chase tried to step back a little, but Ning grabbed his arm before he could do so.

Ely grabbed onto Ning's shoulders and the next moment they disappeared. 

To Chase, he was in his apartment at one moment, and in the next, he was somewhere outside. 

The warded his eyes against the blinding sun for a second as his pupils dilated to let enough light in for him to not wince. It took a few seconds and he put down his hands and finally looked around.
