

Ning looked at the black-robed man in front of him. "Do I know you?" he asked. He didn't remember meeting this man anywhere, but then again, he didn't really bother remembering most people.

"This is the first time we are meeting, senior," the black-robed man said.

"Then?" Ning looked around where he was at. The edge of a random forest near a random city on a random continent on a random world. "Is our meeting here an accident?" 

"I'm afraid not, senior. I have waited nearly 20 days for you here," the man said.

"Why?" Ning asked curiously.

"Because I wanted to meet you, senior," the man said.

"No, why did you wait here for 20 days? I just made the decision to come here moments ago, so why were you aware of where I was going to be?" Ning asked.

"Ah, it's because of what most people would call a blessing, senior," the man said. "Although, I would call it a curse myself."

"Curse? Who are you exactly?" Ning asked.
