
Straight into Fire

Ning stepped out of the portal into a different universe and set his eyes on it for the first time. 

As soon as he did so, he was immediately confronted with something he absolutely did not expect to see. 

A million different eyes stared back at him.

He was close to some sort of planet but still so high in the atmosphere that he required his skill to even be able to breathe. And yet, there were hundreds of thousands of people already floating in here, without the assistance of any technological devices.

They saw the rift behind him, but they didn't seem to care. They only cared about Ning who had arrived.

Ning was very confused at the moment. He had thought this world had no life in it. The system had said this was a universe that died in its infancy and that it only had a single sun.

However, it turned out that it managed not to tell him about the planets that were there.

"Who are you?" a man with crystalline blue eyes asked. 
