
Changing Fate

[Corrosive Black Spear (Unique)

STR: 60

AGI: 25

HP: 400

Mana: 500

Has a 10% chance to ignore your enemy's defenses.

| Corrode (Passive): Places a corrosive debuff on your enemy dealing 15 damage every second for 5 seconds. The debuff stacks with itself, refreshing the duration of each hit. |

| Cyro Cuts (Passive): Your attacks freeze enemy, slowing their movement speed by 25% and reducing their health regeneration by 60%. | ]

"Ooh, this is a nice spear," Ning said as he looked at his new spear. "Thank you."

"No problem, lad," the demon blacksmith said. "That's the least I could do to help you after what you've done for me. Although, I hope you will put it to good use tomorrow."

Ning looked at the spear. "I will beat the biggest and baddest with this, I promise," he said.

"Hahaha! Go on then, I got work to do." The blacksmith turned around to do his job, so Ning walked away.

'Tomorrow huh?' he thought. 
