
Corrupted Grasshopper

Ning appeared outside the city through the gates that saw an influx of demons both with and without wings.

Ning looked around, trying to see if he could see names or anything, but to his disappointment, he could see nothing.

He did have a general idea of what was going on though. From what he could understand, the demons that had wings were most likely players just like him.

The ones that weren't players were most likely characters from the game that were there for the world to feel lived in.

Ning continued walking through the rough terrain where the only signs of plant life he could see were rotting wood and dried-up trees.

"Does anyone want to party with me?" 

"I'm looking for a party."

"We have 3 in the party. Come join."

The players with simple bat wings hung around right outside the city wall, trying to look for party members.
