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"You can speak?" Ning asked the spirit.

The spirit moved behind the princess and peeked slowly. "Who are you?" it asked.

"Don't worry, Fifi. That's my teacher. He won't hurt you," the princess said.

"Really?" Fifi cautiously flew out and looked at Ning. "Yes, I can speak, but only because I bonded with her and know her language now."

"Ah," Ning realized. "Wait, Fifi?" 

"Fifi?" Fifi himself turned around to the princess who had already named him.

"Yes, Fifi. Because you can use fire, and now I can use fire," the princess said.

"Fire?" Ning looked surprised. "Your powers are fire related?" 

"Yes!" the princess said and moved forth her hand. Suddenly, a massive fire exploded in the middle of the two, reaching nearly 3 meters in height.

Ning felt back a little in surprise and then got scared. "Stop!" he ordered and the princess stopped.
