

"Hey, wanna become my subordinate?" the slime asked the massive bear that was standing in front of the group threateningly. 

It was only a Rank 5 beast, but the size alone made it look like it was stronger than that.

"Stop trying to tame every beast you see. How are you going to bring them away from here?" Ning asked.

"Can't you help me?" the slime asked.

"I can, but why would I?" Ning asked.

"Hey, you're the one that brought me here," the slime said.

"Yes, to bond with spirits, not tame every random beast you will come across," Ning said.

"Well, I—"

" *YAWN* Teacher, I want to sleep," the princess said. It had been half an hour since they entered the forest, so now that her excitement level had died down, her sleepiness had returned and she was feeling lethargic.

"Sigh, fine tame that beast," Ning said and the slime excitedly bonded with the beast. 
