

"What do you want?" the old man got suspicious. There was no free food in this world, so certainly, the young man in front of him was looking for something.

"I want 3 spots of the 5 you have to go to the Forbidden Island," Ning said. "Can you do it?"

The old man frowned for a moment. "3 spots? That's a lot," he said.

"If you agree to do that and then break the marriage, I can heal your daughter right now," Ning said.

The old man rubbed his chin as he thought for a moment. He didn't care about the spots as much as people thought he did, but there was no way this young man could just heal his daughter who he himself had tried to do so for a very long time.

But, the old man couldn't give up on the chance, now could he?

"Fine, you have a deal. But I have some conditions of my own too," the old man said.

"Hmm, let's hear it," Ning asked.
