

Ning fought multiple times the whole day and he never once had to swap the mantis out for anything else.

By the end of the day, he earned about 240 Pearls. He had earned quite a bit around the first half of the day, but on the second half, people realized that he was strong and stopped betting against him.

Still, he earned quite a bit and he was not mad about it.

Once he left the arena around evening time, he met up with Saphandra outside and excitedly told her how much he earned.

"What? 240?" she asked in surprise. "I barely got 100. I earned maybe 2 or 3 around your latter matches."

"Yeah, I think if you want to earn more, you should join the arena and fight on your own," Ning said.

"Yeah, I will do that," Saphandra said. "For now, let's go eat something. I'm hungry and the arena's food is quite expensive."

"Alright, let's go back to the hotel," Ning said.
