

"What is that?" Derel asked as a tinge of fear grew in her heart. She had never felt fear like this before, not even when her world broke to pieces and she had to fly away to a different planet.

Drake looked at the black and dark figure, a blob of smoky darkness of which only wings were visible. "It's strong isn't it?" he asked.

Ning tried to look through the darkness but even his vision didn't help him there. When he tried to look with his heat vision, it was almost as if there was nothing there.

The only thing he could see were the two red glows inside the dark haze that he assumed were its eyes.

'What the hell is that?' he couldn't help but wonder.

"Someone here was strong enough to summon me," the voice said. "I will have to thank you for that."

The void suddenly moved towards Nova who still had her hands on her head and couldn't see anything.
