

"Should you be telling me that?" Ning asked with a surprised face. He hadn't expected her to reveal the truth so easily.

"About little blue? I don't see how that could possibly harm me," she said. "It's not like I told you about my powers itself."

That she did not. Ning was sure by now that she knew what his powers were. After all, he had used them so much in the last competition. While she on the other hand had used nothing until the very last fight.

By then, Ning had become too busy with his fight to spare a glance at her group to see what their powers were. In fact, he had been too tired to even care.

"Still, I'm surprised you can even see her. I wonder why? " she mused to herself.

"I have an idea," Ning said as he moved his fingers towards the little blue girl, who looked like a fairy out of a fairy tale. It was hard to pinpoint her characteristics as she moved through the wind like a formless being.
