
Giant Crab

Ning looked at the dead contestants and shook his head before turning to Nova. He got rid of her earplugs and told her to grab what was in front of her.

Nova slowly reached out and Ning guided her hand to touch the gem that was floating in the air. 

The moment she touched it, the gem flashed a bright light and suddenly embedded itself into her crown.

Once that was done, Ning turned to Derel and gave her the gesture to return. Then, he opened a portal and took Nova back to her usual hiding place.

Once they were there, he got rid of her blindfold and sat her down. "What did you do?" she asked with a look of confusion.

"See," Ning said as he created a mirror for her. When Nova looked at it, she saw the gem on her forehead. 

"What? Is that what you made me grab?" she asked.

"Yes," Ning said.

"Then what was with the mystery? I would have grabbed it without earplugs or blindfold too," she said. "I know how important this is to us."
