
More Eliminations

Group 7's end was inevitable. After the leader and the only other member of the group died looking after the tower died, they had no one else to protect it and in the next hour, the tower was destroyed by the monsters.

Ning felt a sense of unease when he saw how quickly the tower was destroyed. It only took 2 monsters to do so, and that was very much likely after numerous upgrades from the group.

If it were his tower, it would be destroyed by a single monster no doubt.

As the 1/10 number grew to 2/10, he cautioned his group to be extra careful. Especially Drake who was hiding behind the tower. Ning made Issi stay with him just in case.

Afterward, Ning looked through the grid of screens again and realized how empty it looked.

Most of the groups had either lost their members or were away to do their own thing.

There was barely any group with more than 3 members protecting their tower at the moment.
