
Derelicia Regalian Aeon Gondra

"Get ready to meet your fellow teammates," Genesis said as they all disappeared in an instant.

When they reappeared, Ning found himself in front of a massive black tower that seemed to go on for forever.

When Ning looked at it, certain information floated in front of it just as with the humans inside the city.


'1000?' Ning stared at it with a confused look. 'What is 1000? Its name? Age? Its height?' 

Ning didn't have any way of telling. 

"Ning?" someone called him and he turned around. Only then did he notice that someone else was in the place as him.

"Nova?" Ning asked with surprise when he saw her. "Are you alright?" he asked. Then, he saw the rest of them.

Drake sat on the ground, clearly tired from the burning heat outside. "Why the hell did we have to come out here just to learn the rules of the competition?" he complained.
