

Ning found himself staring at a white… nothingness. His eyes focused as he stood up and looked around him.

Hundreds of people lay around him. Men, women, and more of every size, shape, and color were getting back up.

'Where am I?' he thought as he looked around. The room he was in was pure white and seemed to go on for infinity. The dimensions of the room were unmeasurable for Ning.

Soon sounds of cries and despair came from all around him as emotional screams filled the air.

"What's going on?"

"Who did this?"

"I didn't die?"

"I… I…"

"Where the hell am I?" 

People started freaking out all of a sudden as expected.

The sounds finally jogged Ning's mind awake and he looked around him with more attention.

There stood a girl not far away from him with a face so beautiful that she nearly looked as good as Alexis. She looked incredibly sad, but the thing that caught Ning's eyes were her long ears.
