
The New Tower

2 weeks passed just like that.

After everything was said and done, the world had indeed come to unify together and be a better place to live in.

Only around 20 or so people returned back to the tower, not intending to work for anyone else.

Ning was surprised to see both Alekor and Rachel there.

Alekor was a son of a Duke. Ning was sure that after the tower no longer existed in name, he would leave.

However, it seemed that he liked doing what he did, and since he had an older brother, he didn't have to worry about the dukedom.

Rachel on the other hand was even more surprising. With how bad their relationship had been, even as a friend after she revealed him to the tower as a 'spy', he was sure now that his identity had been revealed again, she would leave for sure.

However, she had somehow approached him on her own and requested that she be taught directly by him.

'She must've seen my fight with the old man,' Ning thought.
