
Red Hair

"What sort of bad reputations are we talking about?" Merasi asked with a curious look.

"Random bouts of anger and disdain towards commoners. Highly competitive nature even around things that didn't need competition."

"If a shop were doing rather well and he didn't own the shop, he would either buy the shop from the owner or try to create one of his own that did the exact same thing."

"If that didn't work, he would use his influence to slowly drive customers away from those shops."

"And there's of course the unlikeable personality where he thinks himself above all. There are rumors that he has beaten people, but since he is a marquees, no one really dares make claims against him directly," Alekor said.

Ning was quite surprised. It hadn't even been half an hour since they had arrived in this city, and Alekor had already gathered so much information.
