

Ning looked into the eyes of Rachel, the girl he had been sitting next to in class. He wasn't really close to her, but he would like to believe that they had established a base level of friendship over the last few weeks.

Still, he questioned that thought when he saw the fearful look in her eyes. It was like she had seen a ghost. 

'Did I hurt her?' Ning wondered and reached out to her.

"Are you hurt somewhere?" he asked. 

Instead of accepting his help, the girl scrambled backward. Ning was surprised by the act, but he did realize that she wasn't hurt.

'Right,' he thought. 'She doesn't like physical interaction very much. Well, it wasn't me who bumped into her, so it should be alright.'

Rachel walked back to her corner of the area and started training again, but throughout the rest of the class, she kept staring at Ning.
