
Sherry's Aether Lesson

Ning looked around at the room. The 25 or so kids there all looked way too young to be there, but he understood that the tower wanted to teach them young and had thus brought them here.

'Us adults are just getting a second chance at it, eh?' he thought. He then looked at the other 3 'adults'.

There were 2 men and 1 girl, all sitting on the same bench. They were on the 4th row of the 3rd column, meaning they were sitting at the corner of the room. He could tell that their age was upwards of 15 for sure, but couldn't tell their age beyond that. 

What he could tell from their awkwardness was this was definitely the first they had talked with each other. 

Meanwhile, Ning and Rachel were sitting in the 4th row of the 1st column. 
