
Scar Faced Leader

'That was an Aether Magister? He was so easy to fight against,' Ning thought. Being a magister, Ning would've thought that he would've had more tricks up his sleeve, but it seemed that being an invoker really wasn't that useful in such fierce combat after all.

'I guess invokers are only useful in other sectors where they don't have to rely on creating something to fight,' Ning thought. 

He walked over to the guards that lay unconscious, covered in some sort of slimy substance. The clear slime was sticky in texture, but it didn't really stick to his hands as he expected it to. It worked more like tape, rather than glue. 

'Did that guy make this? How did he imagine something like this?' Ning wondered.

Ning couldn't pull it out with his hands, so he had to use telekinesis to pull it all out. Due to the massive area, the sticky slime was covering, it took Ning a lot of force to fully pull it out. 
