
Mere Failed Attempts at Copying

An evil and maniacal smile appeared on Jha'Akim's face. 

"Interesting, very interesting. I've only ever seen the intents, and while they were interesting, they didn't seem very strong," Jha'Akim said. "However, these look like something I will have a fun time fighting against."

Ning didn't say anything and simply dashed forward. The entire domain around him lagged just a fraction of a second behind him. So, even when he was right in front of Jha'Akim, the domain was not. 

He slashed directly at Jha'Akim's head, but he blocked the attack by stopping the spear by the shaft. 

However, just a split second later, the entire domain reached him and all of the spear intent that came with it started hitting Jha'Akim from every direction. 

Jha'Akim constantly maneuvered himself to dodge the ethereal spears, but there were just too many of them flying at impossible speed for him to dodge. 
